We are now two weeks into the 2008 baseball season and I have made a trip to each of the parks in my new hometown of Chicago. (Well, Elgin, but I'm working on it...)
So here is a brief recap.
Weather at Wrigley: Beautiful clear skies, temps in the upper 50's.
Weather at The Cell: Torrential downpour, temps in the upper 30's.
Statue unveiled at Wrigley: Ernie Banks
Statue unveiled at The Cell: Juan Uribe
Seats at Wrigley: 7th row behind home plate, $60
Seats at The Cell: 18th row behind right center, $32
The View at Wrigley: Do I really need to describe this?
The View at The Cell: 30,000 empty seats.
Overheard at Wrigley: Do you serve Heineken?
Overheard at The Cell: Detroit Sucks!
Prominent Sponsor at Wrigley: Budweiser
Prominent Sponsor at The Cell: Jim Beam
Entertainment for kids at Wrigley: Cheering for Kosuke Fukudome.
Entertainment for kids at the Cell: Getting a tattoo out in right field.
They don't call 'em clichés for nothing.....
Here are a few links to some video I took at both games.
All joking aside, The Cell was a lot nicer place than I thought it would be. The winter weather and Gavin @&#^$% Floyd almost pitching a no-hitter against out Murderers Woe just left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
Someday I'll go back, preferably when Hawk Harrelson and A.J. Pierswhazhizname are dead. YOU CAN PUT 'EM IN THE GROUND........YES!!!
Even the Tickets tell the story. The Cubs tickets are so visually pleasing. The Sox stub looks like a ticket to a Ratt/Britney Fox double bill from 1988. The only modern thing about the Sox one is the price.
Still, got to get up there this year. I love the Chicago
No Official Mullet Count for each ballpark? This test is biased. Give the Sox a chance to shine.
I'd say you can't blame the Sox for the weather except that I actually do.
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